I love Thanksgiving!
This year, I am thankful for a lot of things.
1. Health-related things ... like the fact that I still have my mind and my memory, I have a fully functional nervous system and messages get from my brain to my toes. I don't have nerve pain, I don't have Shingles or Post-shingles pain, I don't really have any pain at all.  Aside from the occasional cold or headache, I haven't been sick at all.  No hanta virus, no septic shock, no flesh-eating bacteria, no major traumas involving broken bones, etc.  I'm guilty of not liking my body because my stomach isn't totally toned or I may have gained an extra pound here and there, but ultimately, it's functioning perfectly and I need to be more thankful for that!  After seeing several young, previously healthy people die this year due to freakish things ... it just makes you feel more thankful for good health.  So I am thankful for my good health :)
2. Home.  I found the most perfect house ever -- it's the Janell house if there ever was one.  It doesn't look very big and the ceilings aren't very high, but it's very warm, cozy, and colorful and I love it, and it's MINE!  It's not the fussy kind of perfect -- it is the kind of place where you'd feel totally comfortable wearing polka-dot flannel PJs in the kitchen.  It says "Have a cookie".  It is home.  And I'm very thankful that I found it and I'm loving learning the art of being a good hostess :-)
3. Friends.  I'm just a silly blob of love lately.  I just feel so fortunate to have such a wonderful collection of friends.  Some of you I don't get to talk to very often except online.  Others I get to see several times a year.  I love who you are and how you make me smile, and it makes me happy to see your lives going well.  "Every woman gets by with a little help from her friends" -- boy if that isn't the truth!  Thank you all for being such good listeners and for liking me!!  It's quite easy to be happy, despite all that's going on around me.
4. Nephews -- awwww, how could I not be totally thankful for those little sweethearts?  They inspire me with their imagination and they make me laugh with the little things they learn.  Like Carson rubbing his tummy and moaning, "baby" when he was sick, because that's what he sees Jen do when the baby was kicking her.  And Bowdrie's reassurance to mom, when she said she couldn't ride bikes with him. "Yes you can, Grandma, if it has training wheels!"   
5. Family.  There have been times I've worried that I might lose my parents in the past few years and I realize how much I still need to learn from them and how much I would miss them.  So - I'm trying my best to be thankful for them, even when they're driving me nuts.

That's all for now - it's taken me long enough to get this posted as it is!


Finally got to read this- I too am so thankful for everything I have been blessed with so far, including your friendship!!
Troy and Beth said…
right back to ya! Thanks!

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