A disappointing epiphany or two....
So are these post-30 blues normal or are they a result of a recent visit from my brother?!  Nice of him to get right down to the heart of the matter and have me wind up admitting that indeed, nobody (young male and single) is interested in me.  I've been having a great week as I'm sure you can imagine, self-reflecting and being all introspective.  I've come to a couple conclusions and they're not all that fun.
One of them is that I can't control love/relationships/male-people and that's very frustrating for me.  I can't force things to happen nor put it into a tidy little equation to get my head around it, nor can I put my mind to making it happen.  I can find solutions to so many things and solve countless problems in every other aspect of my life except this one.  Aargh.  I guess I am a control freak after all :-)
The second one- I haven't figured out how to put it into words just yet.  I'm trying to keep it bland... let's just say that what I'm attracted to and what I probably need or what would make my best match are two very different things.  
I have no answers nor do I expect any - I'm just sending this out to the void.  And if the void would like to tell me that I'm adorable, I won't complain ;-) just kidding.


Anonymous said…
You are adorable. :)
Anonymous said…
You are more than adorable! You are intelligent, witty, gorgeous, confident, beautiful in and out, and young enough that you need not worry about MEN. The right one is the right one--no matter what you or others think. God has him picked out for you. It's all good--so no worries, little one. You are far more than just adorable! Hang in there.
Pharmgirl said…
Wow, thank you, oh anonymous! I didn't even type that myself! :-)
You are totally adorable!!! To be honest, when I first met you, I was a really nervous because Cameron kept telling me how awesome you are. And he was right! Good things come to those who wait, and in the meantime, don't forget how fun being single is (it seems to be I only reflected on the perks of being single when I was finally in a relationship).

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