This birthday was the best one in recent memory! The past few years we've all gone down to Portland for the Pharmacy Girls Shopping Getaway and shopped ourself into exhaustion. This year due to mom's health and work schedules, it didn't work out to go for that, so I took a few days off and went to Seattle with Velva.
I was deliciously lazy. I went to Ummelina Day Spa in downtown Seattle for 4 decadent hours of indulgence and pampering. ( Aaaah. It was better than shopping! I called my aunt to apologize for taking so long getting done but it was fine with her because she hadn't really gotten up and going yet either! So I picked up some Starbucks for her on my way back to the hotel and then we both took naps until sometime around 3PM, when we started shopping/walking our way to Pike's Place market for supper at 5. :-) I like life at this pace! haha

The next day I did this and that, and then went to Beth & Troy's for supper. I got suspicious when I saw all the cars so I snuck around and peeked in the back window and saw all the people, so I knew a surprise was awaiting me! I was super happy because my brother and sister-in-law and nephews were there, as well as my aunt and mom, and several other friends from the area! It was fun and it was the most perfect Janell party ever = Beth served Happy Meals and she made me a cake that looked like a purse, and there were high heel shaped brownies! Yippie!! I loved it and loved how much thought that was put into it! Aaah, good times, precious memories!
Thirties are going to be fun if this is any indication! :-)


Happy Birthday! It's so great to have a reason to pamper yourself. I want to see a picture of this purse cake and high heel brownies! Sounds very cool.
Traci K said…
Happy Belated Birthday! Love that purse cake! Was there any money in the middle of it?-ha!

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