I think I may have just discovered the fountain of good looks when it comes to choosing clothes! I'm really not even sure how I stumbled upon this website, but ladies, you have to try it! www.myshape.com
I put in all my measurements, preferences, and its calculator figures out your shape, which is either letter M-Y-S-H-A-P- or E.
Not only that, somehow it has a database of things that will look good on you and then it picks clothes and you can buy them. The odd thing is that I'm having a hard time finding these same clothes online at Macys and other stores, so I'm not really sure what's up with that, but still - how awesome is that!? Let me know what you think. I already see a coat, a jacket, and a dress that would probably be really flattering.

Does anyone else wind up being an S-shape? And what do they mean by saying I have soft shoulders? hmmph.


Lainey said…
HAppy Happy 30th! Hope it is very good to you.
kateen said…
Curious site! And I'm an "M" :)

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