Oh my goodness I am in awe of moms of little babies and little kids! I applaud you for even bothering to get dressed or comb your hair in the morning/afternoon! I've been hanging out with mom and velva at Jon & Jen's watching the 3 kids while Jen works on moving to the new spa. My once perfectly nice white t-shirt is covered in yellowing baby spit up, juice stains, and green marker marks & smudges. My hair has been yanked and pulled every which way by Cassidy, who is getting really good gripping (yeow). Thank goodness I get to leave all this behind in 2 days! My sympathy and pity to those of you who can't just leave!!
No photos this post because at least some shreds of vanity are still intact!


Wrena said…
Nell, your just to good with words! And Ever so honest! LOVE your post!
Lainey said…
And now you know the real reason why the mom is never in the picture!
Traci K said…
My pity to you My Dear! Now you know why we stopped at two!:) I like my sanity too much!:)

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