Disregard my earlier statement that now would be a great time to meet the love of my life. Once I got all my clothes and coats moved over, I didn't have nearly as much extra closet space as I thought I would! So never mind :-) My apologies to you very excited matchmakers out there.

In other news, I loved the report from Montana about Jonathan's Father's Day. Bowdrie and Carson got to go take him a donut and wake him up -- oh boy, that's fun stuff in their little worlds! And so they did, but then after they gave him the donut they stood there staring at him with such sad/expectant little faces that he wound up giving the donut back to them to share. The kids were happy, the Dad wound up getting nothing more than a good laugh out of it, and that seems to be the way it goes for dads! So 3 cheers for Dads :-) I guess I'm not much better than the little darlings - aside from a couple shirts, my present to him was letting him putter around and help me on things with my house! haha


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