And they said you couldn't predict the future!
If the 9-question Facebook quiz I just took is to be believed, I will be getting married in 4 years and 1 month! Who knew?! Would it be sooner if I had chosen a different season as my favorite? Oh well, I think it's a lovely timeline because it will give me time to finish up my goal of visiting the 6 main continents (sorry, Antarctica) before settling down, find an outfit, and whatever else goes into it. In college I saw a picture of a wedding cake with some particularly striking flowers, and I foolishly commented to my best friend about how cool it looked. He patted me on the head and told me not to get my hopes up because those flowers might very well be extinct before I got married. hmmph!

Sorry, it doesn't give any info about the future groom. I can only hope he likes silver hairs! ;-)


Lainey said…
Have you tried twisting the stem of an apple while saying the alphabet? Whatever you land on when it snaps off is the initial of your future husband. It is a real bad sign if you make it all the way to z and it still has the stem on. (I promise it won't happen to a lovely girl like you!)

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