Where should I go after my upcoming Europe trip?
Ok - here's the big news: I bought a house! Yes, I have made the brave jump from the carefree, irresponsible life of a renter and am in the process of becoming a homeowner! It still has to be inspected and there are rumored to be a ridiculous number of papers to sign, but once that's all over .... it's mine! Woo hoo! So yes, that means I'm staying in Yakima. I like the sunshine, I like the fruit, I love my job, I love the food at the hospital most of the time, I like my Safeway store, I like my dentist, I like my doctor, I like my coworkers - basically I pretty much love my life! The location is perfect. I can (theoretically) walk to work, although we'll see about that. I'm near a fantastic park, a pool, my gym, and a few restaurants. The inside is cottage style, which really appeals to me. It's a 1940's house but appears to have been re-done on the inside. It had all the things I wanted when I made my "What my dream house looks like"...