
Showing posts from March, 2017

30 day sugar challenge

Ok, my goal is to restrict myself to 6 tsp or 25 grams of sugar per day as recommended by health organizations who study these things.  I haven't tracked my eating for a while but a I am sure I am way over that! I watched a movie called Sugar Coated and it had inspired me, as well as all my friends giving up things for Lent.  Since I have a marathon on Sunday, I will not be able to be quite as strict on race day but will give this a whirl. I started by going through my cupboards and was stunned by all the things that contained sugar!! My vitamins, calcium, taco seasoning... it feels like I am down to salt, pepper, oil, and dish soap!! I need to research whether that 25 grams is added sugar, separate from the naturally occurring sugar in fruits, or it that is all forms of sugar. That would be much harder!!